Ditto allows Android developers to fetch the latest text as pre-formatted XML resources (.xml) in accordance with Android strings and Android localization guidance.

If you’re fetching this format via the API, it will have an HTTP Content-Type header of text/xml.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <string name="welcome_text" ditto_api_id="welcome-text">Welcome to the app!</string>
  <string name="logout" ditto_api_id="logout">Logout</string>


To fetch this via the API, provide the query parameter ?format=android.

To fetch this via the CLI, specify format: android in the config.yml file.

Format details:

  • Text items in Ditto are mapped to <string> tags. Each tag is given a name property with a value that corresponds to a given text item’s Developer ID; to comply with Android requirements, - characters in the ID are replaced with _. An additional ditto_api_id field is also included with the unmodified Developer ID.
  • Variables in Ditto are mapped to <xliff:g> tags. They’re given id and example properties with values that correspond to a given variable’s name and example values, respectively.
  • A text item with plurals will have a <plurals> tag generated for it, along with an <item> for each plural form that is configured in Ditto (note: <item id="other"> will always be generated). Plural items also support variables via <xliff:g> tags.
  • If this format is exported for a specific variant, two comments containing variant metadata will also be included:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Variant Name: French -->
<!-- Variant Description: Copy localized for native French speakers -->
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <string name="welcome_text" ditto_api_id="welcome-text">Welcome to the app!</string>
  <string name="logout" ditto_api_id="logout">Logout</string>